Design Games: The Gateway to Mastering Design Techniques

July 17, 2024

Design Games: The Gateway to Mastering Design Techniques — Formal schooling and real-life work experience are not the only ways to develop design skills. However, recently, numerous educational games becomes the fun and enjoyable alternatives that efficiently enhance graphic designers’ skills.

In recent years, games have not only provided amusement, but they have also helped people better comprehend basic design principles through their captivating and challenging delivery.

You will feel joyful when playing design games that, at the same time, enhance your design skills without you even realizing it. So, let’s start exploring how these games truly help you become a more skilled designer!

Shape Type

design games

Playing this game help designers learn and correct typographic letters. In this game, you must arrange the node or connecting point to restore the letter’s original shape. The player will be given a score for completing the assignment. To advance to the following round, the player must have a particular number of scoring points.

Additionally, Shape Type helps designers understand how to use pen tools with typographic mechanics and better comprehend the structures and proportions of letters.

The Bézier Game

Learning to use pen tools might be difficult for some people, especially beginners. If you feel frustrated, this game may help you train and become accustomed to utilizing pen tools in design software.

The Bézier Game works by giving a player a target shape to duplicate with a pen tool. The level of difficulty begins with the easiest one and gradually increases in later stages.

By playing this game, players can improve their pen tool skills, which are vital in vector-based design. This design game was produced by the same developer who made Shape Type,


design games

Color, another game from, is a game to train designers’ color perception. The player will be assigned a target color that must be matched within a specific amount of time. The variations and challenges in this game will increase with each level.

Colors and hues are very important in the realm of graphic design. Hence, it is a must for a designer to have coloring skills.

Design game helps designers understand color theory and how color works. Finishing this game will improve your color theory comprehension, color combination skills, and color sensitivity.

Kern Type

Kerning is the space between letters or characters in typographic concepts. Therefore, if you’re not familiar with kerning, then this game should be your go-to. Kern Type is a kerning-training game in which players must correctly set the spacing between letters.

Through this game, you will gain skills in kerning, such as understanding how important kerning is, gaining typography skills, and paying attention to small details.

The Font Game

design games

The Font Game, created by, is a game that trains font sensitivity. This is a multiple-choice game in which a player should guess the correct shape based on the font name provided.

The cool thing about this design game is that if you meet the requirements, you can get a 10% discount on font purchases. The more perceptive we are, the easier it is to guess. Curious? Try this game now!


design games

Design games improve our sensitivity to dimensions in pixel sizes. In Pixactly, the challenge will be to create a dimension using the given size. After that, you will receive a score and a correction later. Playing this game will familiarize you to estimate dimensions and measurements, making it easier to create layouts for design. 

CSS Diner

This is a fantastic dining experience for programmers, particularly CSS beginners. CSS Diner is a free open-source design game hosted by Luke Pacholski of GitHub. In this game, a player selects elements from the menu using the appropriate CSS selector. 

Design games help players understand the various CSS selector types and how they interact with HTML components. In addition, it also teaches players about the HTML hierarchy concept and how CSS selectors are used to access items in that hierarchy. 

What the Hex?

design games

What the Hex is an interactive game that teaches us how to read and recognize hexadecimal color codes (hex codes) used in web and graphic design. 

It works by displaying random colors on screen and asking players to identify which color corresponds to the specified hex code. To match the color specified, players can use a slider or manually enter a hex code. If they guess correctly, the difficulty level of the game will automatically go up. 

Furthermore, this game will teach players how to understand hex color codes, improve their color recognition skills, and learn interactive lessons.

It’s Centred That

design games

This is a game that helps designers train their eyes and senses for determining the balance and centralization of design aspects. In this game, players must ensure that the dot is in the proper and balanced location when drawing a straight line. 

In this game, you will see a selection of design pieces to arrange on a canvas, there will be one dot in one of them. Determine whether the dot is in the center of the element by answering ‘yes’ or ‘no’. This game is a lot of fun due to its animated display. 

Playing this game helps train your eyes as a designer. When deciding on the balance and positioning of design elements, you can improve your perceptual and visual skills. It’s Centred That also provides a fun yet challenging method to play and learn simultaneously.

Type Connection

Type Connection is an interactive game designed to help users or players understand the concepts of typographic pairing or letter combinations. This game requires the players to link letters in an interesting way. 

In this game, you first select the main type of letter. Next, select a font that you want to combine with the previously selected main letter. After completing the steps, Type Connection will explain your choice, including whether or not the combination matches well, based on typographic design principles. 

Furthermore, playing this game expands your knowledge of typography, particularly letter combinations. Because it is a game, it lets you polish your skills in an entertaining and fun way. 

Color Test Challenge

design games

Lastly, we have Color Test Challenge, a game designed to test and enhance players’ color recognition and arrangement skills. This game allows players to better comprehend color gradation and their sensitivity to changes in color saturation. 

In this game, players are randomly assigned a set of colors, with the first and last colors already in a fixed place. The task will be to arrange the colors in an organized manner, from right to left. 

You can learn a lot by playing this game. For starters, this game will improve your color sensitivity by displaying a range of colors while also providing color references. Second, you will learn how to organize colors, which will help you understand color harmony and gradation. 


To sum up, design games such as The Bézier Game, Pixactly, CSS Diner, and others provide a fun and effective way to improve your design skills. By presenting interactive and educational challenges, these games help us understand important design concepts and stimulate creativity and precision in creating amazing designs.

Furthermore, playing these games on a regular basis can help you improve your technical abilities, become more sensitive to design components, colors, fonts, and layouts, and gain confidence in the creative process.

So, start playing and see how these design games may help you improve your design skills. Let us prepare to face challenges within the world of technology and design with more confidence and competence.

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