The Power of Habit: Ways to Boost Your Creative Thinking

July 10, 2024

The Power of Habit: Ways to Boost Your Creative Thinking — Habits shape how we live our lives. As a result, our habits have an impact on every aspect of our lives, from our daily routine to our mindset when facing life’s challenges. One of these is creativity. Creativity is not only required of artists and writers; rather, it is a useful and essential skill that everyone must possess in order to live a fulfilling life.

Furthermore, creativity enables us to find innovative solutions, generate new ideas, and adapt to change. Many people believe that creativity comes naturally. In fact, our habits can help us develop and enhance our creativity.

In this article, we’ll look at how habits influence and shape creative thinking skills. So, let’s go over each habit and how it can help you improve your creativity before incorporating it into your daily routine.

Power of Habit

A habit is a set of actions or behaviors that an individual repeats over time. Our minds shape and strengthen habits through repetition, so routine automation saves us energy. In addition, habits can be either positive or negative.

creative thinking

The habit is formed by a process known as the “habit loop,” which consists of three major components: cue, routine, and reward. In his book “The Power of Habit“, Charles Duhigg defines a cue as an event or situation that triggers a specific action, whereas a routine is an action that responds to the trigger. Finally, the reward is the outcome or benefit produced by the routine that strengthens the habit.

Examples of positive and negative habits

A habit can be considered beneficial if it has a positive impact on our lives. Good habits include regular exercise, reading, and meditation. Regular exercise will benefit both our physical and mental health. Reading, whether a physical or digital book, can increase knowledge and stimulate the brain. Meditation can help to reduce stress and improve concentration.

However, repeated bad habits will have a negative impact on our lives. For example, spending too much time on social media will reduce your productivity and, ultimately, your mental health.

The Effect of Habits on Creative Mindset

Habits shape our mindset and problem-solving abilities. Positive and explorative thinking habits, such as reading books of various genres on a regular basis, will increase knowledge and stimulate new ideas, naturally encouraging creativity, whereas negative and narrow-minded thinking habits will stifle it.

Duhigg explains in his book that changing negative habits to positive ones will result in significant improvements in many aspects of life, including creativity. By regulating habits that promote creativity, we can generate innovative ideas and solutions.

We can make our lives more creative and productive by understanding and leveraging the power of habits. The habit loop is an effective method for shaping attitudes and mindsets. We can improve our minds by being aware and working to form positive habits.

Habits for Creative Thinking

Spare your time

Allocating some time each day to think creatively is a good habit. By consistently devoting time to developing and exploring creative ideas, your brain will be stimulated to become more imaginative and innovative. For example, you can designate a ‘creative time’ in the morning or at night; choose whatever time works best for you so that you can think freely.

Keep honing your creativity

Reading books, articles, and journals from various fields is an excellent way to boost creativity. You have successfully stimulated your brain to think more broadly and creatively by developing a habit of continuous learning and exploration of new ideas. Try something new to broaden your mind and refresh your perspective on life.

Make journals

Making journals is a habit that has a significant impact on improving creative thinking. Writing down ideas, inspirations, and concepts in your head trains your brain to constantly generate new ideas.

According to research published in the journal “Psychological Science,” taking notes on your creative ideas will allow them to be implemented in real life. This occurs because the writing method allows the brain to deeply process the same information and strengthens the neuron connection associated with the ideas being written.

With all of these habits, you can lay a solid foundation for creative thinking and open the door to a plethora of new innovative and useful ideas in all aspects of life.

Ways to Enhance Creativity

Overcome Negative Thinking Habits

Negative thinking can certainly hinder creativity. When we are trapped in a pessimistic mindset and are overly critical of ourselves, we will struggle to think freely and innovate. That is why it is critical that we identify and overcome our negative thinking patterns. One approach is to encourage ourselves to think positively and be more productive in our daily lives.

A study published in the “Journal of Experimental Social Psychology” found that individuals who practice positive thinking have significantly higher levels of creativity than those who think neutrally or negatively.

Continuous Brainstorming

creative thinking

Brainstorming is an effective technique for coming up with a lot of ideas in a short amount of time. Repeated brainstorming sessions will train our brains to think creatively. There are some effective ways to brainstorm. To begin, you must determine the specific purpose of your brainstorming session; it is critical to understand what you hope to achieve. Second, you must refrain from self-criticism during the brainstorming session; simply take notes on all of your ideas without regard for their quality. Last but not least, evaluate your brainstorming process so that you can determine which idea has the most potential and should be developed.

Practice Meditation and Mindfulness

Meditation and mindfulness are practices that can help reduce stress and improve concentration, which are both important in the creative process. This practice will also help to relax your mind and make room for your ideas to develop.

According to research published in “Frontiers in Psychology,” meditation and mindfulness help individuals focus and process information more easily, increasing cognitive flexibility and creativity.

Adopting the habits listed above will allow you to improve your creative thinking abilities and generate innovative ideas that can be applied in all aspects of life.

Boost Creative Thinking

Create an Inspirational Work Environment 

Your workplace plays an important role in the creative process. Organized and inspiring rooms can help our brains generate new ideas. Listed below are some of the things you can do at your workplace:

  • Include some natural elements, like plants or nature paintings. 
  • Decorate your room with photographs, paintings, or motivational quotes to make it look less empty. 
  • Use good or natural lighting, which can boost mood and productivity.

Look for Many Inspirational Resources

Taking inspiration from a variety of sources allows you to broaden your knowledge and generate creative ideas. Look for inspiration in areas that you have never explored before, such as the arts, music, nature, or cultures. By being open to new information, you will gain knowledge, which will improve your ability to generate creative ideas.

Take a Regular Rest

Regular rest is essential for keeping your mind alert and creative. According to research, taking a short break while working improves concentration and creativity. Make time to go for a walk, stretch, or simply step away from your keyboard for a few minutes.


Creativity is a skill that can be developed and improved through good habits. Understanding the power of habits and how they affect creative thinking has the potential to free your mind to be as creative as possible. Taking time to think, reading regularly, writing down ideas, and overcoming negativity will all contribute to the creation of an environment that fosters the development of creative and innovative minds.

Adopting these habits will not only improve your creativity, but will also allow you to achieve larger goals and be more innovative in all aspects of your life. So, begin by developing positive habits today and watch how your creativity grows and leads you to a fulfilling and successful life!

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